Blog: Cat

Veterinarian carrying a cat

Cat Deworming

Deworming cats is important because if a parasite burden is bad, it can cause clinical signs, such as vomiting and diarrhea. Some parasites can also be transmitted to humans.

Senior Cat Care

Aging is inevitable, but regular checkups with your veterinarian can help keep your pet happy and healthy for as long as possible. Contact Us What are the stages of a senior cat’s life? How can you spot signs of aging? Signs of aging would include behavioural changes such as not...

Cat scratching its leg

Cat Flea Control

Fleas and ticks are a common external parasite seen on our pets.

Kitten standing in litter box

Cat Fecal Exam

A fecal parasite screen is a test done on a stool sample and tested through our in-clinic lab by our RVTs.