Blog: Dog

Sad black dog lying down

Dog Anal Gland Expression

All dogs have anal glands, which are small sacs inside their anuses. They are there to help lubricate the passing of a dog's bowel movement and act as a fingerprint for other dogs to identify them. If they become filled, your pet will become uncomfortable and they will need to...

Dog scratching its leg

Dog Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are a common external parasite seen on our pets.

Hand holding a microchip scanner in front of a veterinarian holding a pet

Microchipping a Dog

Microchipping your dog is the best way to ensure that you can be identified as their owner and reunited with them should they ever get lost. Contact Us Why is it a good idea to microchip my dog? A microchip has all the necessary information to get in touch with...

Dog lying down and sticking its tongue out

Laser Therapy for Dogs

Therapeutic laser is an alternative treatment for pain and swelling. Contact Us What is therapeutic laser therapy for dogs and what are the benefits? Laser therapy works by using light energy to target tissue. The result of this is decreased pain and inflammation, as well as accelerated healing. Are lasers...